It's a Matter of Taste: Spicy Cream Chicken

     So, my partner tried to experiment with this one last Sunday. Yup! He is learning and I'm so happy for him because he also likes to cook and experiment with the ingredients like me.

     Like my older post of Cheesy Chicken with Mushroom Sauce, this one has the cheese and mushroom but he added some strips of red bell peppers and some spices too. The mushroom I used before was sliced mushrooms in can but for this recipe he wanted the whole button mushrooms so that it has a different look and texture to the whole dish. Honestly, I like this one better because it has a different twist when it comes to the flavor - it's spicy and slightly hot. I'm not the spicy-hot-dish type of guy but sometimes I do crave for something spicy whether it's a home-cooked meal or store-bought chips. That Sunday I was really craving for a spicy meal, so luckily, he came out with this recipe. <3 p="">

     It was a perfect night! Slightly chilly because it was raining. We were having a horror movie marathon, and we ate this one with some rice ^_^ so happy!

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