Recipes to Share: Tuna Three Cheese Pasta

     I always want to experiment with cooking. It's fun and you get to think~ Not only that, you get to create recipes of your own that you can share! : ) Here's something I did last week - Tuna Three Cheese Pasta

500 g Fusilli pasta, cooked until al dente and strained
2 cans processed tuna in vegetable oil
1 kg ready made Three Cheese tomato sauce (mozzarella, Parmesan & cheddar)
1 small box, 250g cheddar cheese, grated
2 pcs bell peppers, sliced into strips
4 pcs tomatoes, seeded and sliced into cubes
1 pc small onion, sliced
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 can 125g evaporated milk
3 tbsp olive oil
ground pepper

1. In a wok, heat olive oil and sauté garlic, onions, bell peppers and tomatoes until slightly cooked. Add ground pepper.

2. Add the processed tuna and continue to sauté until the tuna meats starts to turn brown.

3. Add the tomato sauce and start mixing slowly. Add grated cheddar cheese and let it simmer.

4. Lastly, add milk and continue to mix until well incorporated. Adjust salt and sugar if desired. Let it simmer again for five minutes before adding it on the cooked pasta.



  1. I really appreciate your professional approach. These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.

    1. Hi there, just became so busy at work but yes, I will definitely post recipe and helpful tips :) Thank you for appreciating my blog!

    2. Hi there, just became so busy at work but yes, I will definitely post recipe and helpful tips :) Thank you for appreciating my blog!
